Alfred Borrett shares his memories of D-Day

98-year-old Alfred Borrett still lives independently in his apartment at Churchill’s Lewis Carroll Lodge in Cheltenham. He is one of the few people old enough to remember the events of D Day, which marked its 80th Anniversary this year. As a former serviceman himself, he took the time to share his reflections on this momentous day and its importance to all of us as we observe Remembrance Day.

Here is what he had to say:

“On the 6th of June 1944, at long last the long-awaited day had arrived.  I had a suspicion that something was happening because the airborne troops I used to see every day in the canteen were nowhere around.  Soon enough it was announced that the landing in northern France was ongoing. It was a huge boost to our morale, energised our spirits and gave us hope that it was the beginning of the end of the awful situation – and so it proved to be!

 “I often think of the brave troops who embarked on this mission and marvel at the pictures of their great efforts wading through water and enemy fire.  A day never to be forgotten.”

Alfred enjoys living at Lewis Carroll Lodge and considers his neighbours as part of his wider family. He contributes to the wonderful sense of community within the Lodge with his energy, enthusiasm, and sense of humour.