Low-maintenance home frees up Liz’s time to volunteer, travel and entertain

For many individuals over 60, retirement is an opportunity to embrace a lifestyle filled with freedom and new adventures. Our retirement apartments are designed to offer precisely that - a chance to enjoy life without the burdens of home maintenance. Liz Horder, an Owner at Lewis Carroll Lodge in Cheltenham, is a testament to how this lifestyle can enrich one's golden years.

Fifteen months ago, at the end of November 2023, Liz moved into her cosy one-bedroom apartment at Lewis Carroll Lodge. Transitioning from a three-storey house that had become increasingly challenging to maintain, Liz discovered that this move freed her from time-consuming chores and upkeep. She said: "My one-bedroom apartment works so well for me. It's just the right size, and the low-maintenance aspect has truly freed up my time to enjoy life. It felt quite daunting downsizing from a three-storey home to a one-bedroom apartment, but Churchill’s Senior Move scheme was invaluable. I had a visit from Michelle who simply sat with me and talked through how I could get rid of some of my belongings, which I’d acquired over a number of years, and she was here the day I moved in to help me unpack; she even made my bed for me!”

Liz maximises her newfound freedom by engaging in things she loves. As an ex-nurse and sister who retired shortly after the Covid-19 pandemic began, Liz found that she couldn't sit still for long. "I wanted to put my positive attitude and warm nature to good use," Liz explains about her decision to volunteer at Cheltenham General Hospital. “For half a day per week, I help in the local hospital shop, including a coffee bar. Due to my career as a nurse and my well-practiced bedside manner, I find I’m really able to support visitors when they visit the hospital, many of whom are going through a difficult time with an ill friend or family member. I can also lend a supportive ear to the hospital staff who use the shop.”

The location of Lewis Carroll Lodge is ideal for Liz’s volunteering commitments. An easy 15-minute walk or a brief bus ride directly from the Lodge gets her to the hospital.

Beyond volunteering, Liz has wholeheartedly embraced other hobbies and interests. Her weekly routine includes trips to the gym, swimming three times a week, and participating in two exercise classes, all while enjoying the vibrant social life of the Owners' Lounge. Here, Liz not only attends social gatherings put on by the Lodge Manager but also uses the space as an extension of her own home, using it to host parties and get-togethers for her own friends and family. Liz also utilises the convenient guest suite for travelling friends who wish to stay over at the Lodge.

Liz's adventurous spirit is further fuelled by her love for travel. Moving into a Churchill Living apartment has afforded her the security to travel without worries. "I no longer have to rely on my friends and family to watch over my home when I go away," Liz comments. “Thanks to Churchill’s 'lock up and leave' scheme, I can go on long cruises – possibly my favourite pastime – with the assurance that my home and belongings remain safe. On my return, I am welcomed by a tight-knit community eager to welcome me home - many of whom also share my passion for cruise holidays.”