Award Winning Retirement Living
Over the years, we are proud to have achieved numerous awards that are recognised and highly regarded throughout the retirement industry. Recent success has included:
WhatHouse? Awards 2024
At the prestigious 2024 WhatHouse? Awards, we were delighted to be awarded a Gold Award in the ‘Best Retirement Home Developer’ category for the 2nd year running.
The ‘Best Retirement Home Developer’ category recognises the best developers serving the later living sector, looking at a range of factors including overall commitment and contribution to the promotion and enhancement of retirement housing. Churchill’s success in this category once again underlines the Company’s leading position in the sector, thanks to its ongoing financial strength and the quality of its developments across the country.

HBF 5 Star Rating 2024
In a customer satisfaction survey that was carried out by the Home Builders Federation (HBF) and the National House Building Council (NHBC), Churchill Retirement Living was awarded a maximum 5 star rating for customer service for the 9th consecutive year. 90% of Churchill Owners said they would recommend the company to a friend.
Top 100 Best Companies to Work for 2020
Churchill Retirement Living placed 3rd in the Sunday Times Top 100 Best Companies to Work For in the UK. This is the 9th time we have been named in a Top 100 listing, and its 5th consecutive year in the Top 100 Best Medium-Sized Companies to Work For category, competing against companies with up to 3,500 employees. We were once again the only housebuilder to feature on the list.
WhatHouse? Awards 2016
At the 2016 WhatHouse? Awards, Churchill Retirement Living came home with Silver for Best Retirement Development and Gold for Best Medium Housebuilder - a new record for the business, which had previously achieved Bronze for this award. In 2016, we also won the highest award of Housebuilder of the Year, becoming the first retirement developer to receive the award, which is considered the biggest accolade in the housebuilding industry.